Thursday, July 4, 2024

Countless Blessings!

Since the very beginning of my service 22 years ago, I was blessed by abundance of extraordinary opportunities in which I guess may not be experienced by many. Starting off my career as a civil servant, I was actually forced by Abah to carry on his family's heritage of being educators. A bit rebellious at first ~ since I dreamt to be a lawyer, I finally obeyed Abah's wish. Well,  as compatible to my name IZAN which means obedient (taat), I finally listened to his urge.. huhu.. Although Kak Gee, my eldest sister had passionately and willingly become a teacher, Abah kept on persuading, encouraging and forcing me to become one too. In Abah's eyes, I could make a good discipline teacher. Sigh!! 😞 Why? I bet, because of my traits and character that made Abah to possess the vision. I don't know!

I could still vividly recall, Abah grinned his sweet smile and portrayed his excited gesture, the day I accepted the offer to attend the teachers training program in MPIK KL. I enrolled hesitantly, bringing Abah's high hope for me to educate the future kids of Malaysia and serve the country as he did for his whole life! Ever since I was posted, I had overcome so many hinders and obstacles in educating people. Alhamdulillah, I think I did quite well and scored quite good too! 😂

Now, I myself become a school leader. I  hope that after all the things I've gone through along my journey in this unsung career path, I had grown mature and responsible to guide people better. Through thick and thin, laughter and cry, ups and downs in life, there are always a lot of new experience to embrace. Depth understanding upon others and connecting the dots within myself too, those has taught me that we need to live life and love at the fullest. 

I honour people surround me ~ especially my family members, dear colleagues and acquaintances and celebrate those who I just meet in order to spread love and stop hatred. Life is too short to be wasted. Let's do the best we can do for the sake of our future endeavours! Do not jeopardize ourself into something that is ambiguous and uncertain  Cheers mate!!

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