Jack of all trades, master of none! I guess this quote describes me the best 😅 To be honest, if anyone would ask me what my forte is, I wouldn't be able to articulate the answer well. I don't think I own anything that I am really good at. Being a language educator, I still could feel the inferiority of using either Bahasa Melayu or English Language especially when I need to speak before the audience. To me, everything would seem and sound wrong.
People used to say that I looked really cool standing right in front of the rostrum and convey all the messages smoothly even without any notes in hands. What people don't realise is that I used to have butterflies in my stomach whenever I need to utter! One of the best tips I used whenever I need to deliver any speech is not to have direct eye contact with the audience but to look at the level of their head evenly ~ to look but not looking..😅
When it comes to numbers and calculations it would become worse! Frankly, I was quite good in Maths when I was a student. I couldn't recall since when I started to get into awkward situation every time I saw numbers! It makes me having hair-wire at all times but I could count quite well though. What more when it comes to Additional Maths subject.. I use to feel like vanishing into the air if I was asked to solve any question .
Recently, I felt dumbfounded when being informed that I was appointed to be the Treasurer for Johor Trust School Association. I nearly fainted and felt really panic upon receiving the news. I suppose people like me would never be given a chance to calculate what more to manage an account! Phew 😅 Are those people for real?
And I am now still searching for what I am really good at! At this very age (🤣🤣) I am pretty sure that most of my colleagues knew what to achieve and to target in life but me.. hmmm.. just go with the flow!