Saturday, August 10, 2024

Life is Hard

No matter what you do in life, people will always criticize you. 

🎯 If you get fat, people think that you eat too much. 

🎯If you loose weight, you are sick.

🎯 If you dress well, you are showing off.

🎯If you dress simple, you are poor 

🎯 If you speak your mind, you are rude. 

🎯If you keep silence , you are coward.

🎯 If you are successful, you are arrogant. 

🎯If you are struggling, you are lazy.

🎯 If you are honest, you are naive.

So do whatever that makes you happy, whatever fulfills you and build your dream life one day at a time. 

#Live life at the fullest 🌹

#Spread love, stop hatred ❤️

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