#medinidihati ❤️
Usai sesi penggambaran sempena Hari Raya Aidilfitri pagi ini, geng Jabatan Bahasa berkumpul dan merakamkan video ini sebagai kenangan. Simpan di sini untuk ditatap kembali suatu hari nanti apabila aku tidak lagi berada di sini. Sekadar hiburan sebagai memori sendiri..
14 Mac 2025 melakar memori manis apabila SMK Medini diisytiharkan sebagai Pusat Prestasi Tinggi Kriket sebaik aku menandatangani Memorandum Persefahaman (MoU) bersama pihak Majlis Kriket Johor (Johor Cricket Council) yang diwakili oleh Presiden JCC, Prof TS Log Faidz bin Abd Rahman. Perjanjian ini diharapkan dapat merealisasikan hasrat melahirkan lebih ramai pemain kriket yang berwibawa untuk membawa nama Malaysia ke arena sukan kriket di persada dunia.
Di sebelah petangnya pula, majlis iftar dan solat terawih berlangsung meriah dengan sambutan hangat seluruh warga. Meskipun hujan lebat mengiringi persiapan akhir sebelum waktu berbuka, kehadiran para tetamu yang ramai menghapus kegusaran di hati kami. Melihat barisan tetamu jemputan yang sudi melapangkan masa memenuhi undangan pihak sekolah, menjentik rasa terharu di dalam hati. Kebersamaan Tuan Haji Saliman Selamat, PPD Johor Bahru bersama Tuan Haji Suliman Kamaor, Timbalan PPD Sekolah, Encik Mohd Faiz Razali selaku Pegawai Meja Sekolah Amanah, Encik Mohd Najib bin Jabar YDP PIBG dan AJK serta ramai tetamu jemputan amat dihargai.
Alhamdulillah, usai sudah satu majlis bagi menjayakan Program Ihya' Ramadan pada tahun ini. Semoga kejelekitan dan ukhwah fillah yang terjalin antara SMK Medini dengan semua pemegang taruh berjalan harmoni demi kecemerlangan sekolah dan warganya. InsyaAllah..
Life is not always on a bed of roses. There are ups and downs, laughter and cry, success and failure and a lot of unpredictable obstacles awaiting along our life journey. Being a leader is not an easy task, though. Dealing with various challenges and multifaceted roles, it demands various skills including strong communication skills, problem-solving, decision-making and at the same time possesses the ability to motivate, influence and guide people or subordinats. To many people, being a leader is not an easy yet becomes a hassle that gives huge impact as they will always be tested in chaotic situations and dilemma.
Working with different layers of followers has its own challenges as people have diverse personalities, opinions and needs. It is impossible to cater people's needs tailored to their request. Often, miscommunication can lead to misunderstanding and becomes a big hue if the leaders' messages are wrongly conveyed and misinterpreted. If this happens, the leader needs to step up and look for quick ways to mediate and find the most effective solution to curb the issue from being spread or get things out of their control.
Disagreement among team members can disrupt and divide an organization. Weighing good decision and fair judgement are amongst the utmost importance in dealing with conflicts. Having good teammates who are always standing by our side can help us especially to avoid mistakes and confusion that might occur when we are uncertain of making wise verdicts and conclusion. There are times when our decisions are questioned for the ideas thrown are ambiguous thus requires further explanation. Adjust the best approach to not being defensive and be a good listener by listening attentively before coming into any consensus.
It is not to my favour to note this type of heavy, serious, emotional-liked writing. Sigh! But, frankly I need a medium to pour out all the negativity in order for me to stay calm, resilient and productive. As a leader, I have to act fast, embrace new ideas, adapt to changing circumstances and at the same time navigate options quickly. O Allah, if my intended action is better for my religion and my faith, for my life and my death, for this world and the next, then make it destined and make it easy for me. Give me Your blessings for me to stand tall to face this hectic world. Aamiin ya Rabbal Alamin 🥺
Usai Isyak malam nanti, maka bermulalah terawih yang pertama bagi Ramadan tahun ini. Yang pasti Ramadan kali ini ku sambut dengan cara yang berbeza. Amat berbeza.. 🥺 Sempena tibanya bulan penuh keberkatan ini, dengan rendah hati ku pohon ampun maaf andai pernah aku melukakan hati sesiapa jua sama ada melalui lisan mahupun perlakuan. Marilah saling bermaafan agar ibadah dapat dilaksanakan dengan hati yang damai. Semoga kita semua diberi ruang dan peluang melalui bulan Al-Mubarak ini dengan ketaqwaan kepadaNya. Ramadan Kareem.. Maaf Zahir & Batin.