Wednesday, June 19, 2024

My Calico

Love has no boundaries for it has different connotations from one another. Since I was very young, my affection towards cats has never been decreased. Three years ago, I accidentally lost a cat, which was actually a birthday present for my dear daughter. After trying so hard searching high and low, I gave up. The cat (named Cookies) vanished in the nick of time, behind the alley. 

Feeling defeated and exhausted, I made a quick plan! The main idea was not to disappoint my precious by telling Ain what really happened to her Cookies. So, without hesitation I took a random cat from the alley just to make her day. As predicted, Ain was quite astonished and excited on how the cat magically turned her colour ~ from two to three colours! Oh my🤣! Since then, we keep the Calico with us as one of our dearest family members. And guess what did Ain call her..? KUCING. What a name! Yes she named the new feline, Kucing, and that's her name ever since 😂 We love you so much, Kucing ❤️🥰

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