Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah s.w.t. Finally, I had successfully completed the National Professional Qualification for Educational Leaders (NPQEL) programme from the Aminuddin Baki Institute, Ministry of Education Malaysia on March 29, 2010. It was a tough and challenging programme with various hinders and obstacles to overcome, though I enjoyed to be in my team with friends all over Malaysia. Being one of the members in Cohort 2 for 2009 session, I am very honored to be one of the youngest among the team members. I shared my ups and downs, laughter and tears with my best colleagues whom I known only for less than one year. It's a great pleasure to know them as my classmates for the past one year in Genting Highlands.

The Master of Principalship (the name of the post grad course that I'm attending now - InsyaAllah) is a comprehensive programme that is designed to provide perspective principals & educational leaders with essential skills to lead and manage an educational institution. As this course provides us an in-depth knowledge of current issues related to school principalship and educational leadership, I guess this is the best place for me to learn and understand the effects of decision-making in changing educational environment in Malaysia. Although - to be frank, I do not possess as much interest to be the principal and lead a school (sigh!), I attend this course to gain various knowledge and at the same time building my very own self esteem in order to be an all-rounder teacher in future. It may sound cliche in the end but for me it depends on one to made their own choice and decision (bak kata kak liza - ada aku kisahhhh??? muahaha...)
The first day was quite hectic and boring (sorry..) as there was nothing much given to us during the first session. However, as time passed by, I found that there any many interesting things for us to explore out there. I am sure that through our discussion and debate later, we would be able to examine critically the various approaches, theories and principles of educational leadership in educational institutions for the benefit of our next generations. To all my friends in IPK, UM all the best and let's strive for excellence. Let us bare in mind that whatever we vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass! Chaiyokkk!!!
huhu... kak izan dah start study...
kak izan duk kat ne je?... iqah keje kat mid valley dekat sangat ngan UM tu...... huhu senang2 bleh jumpe... makan2... borak2...
good luck tau!.. selamat belajar...
Laaa, kisahnya... dekat jek rupanya eh.. K izan dok kat Kolej 9 UM (Seksyen 16, PJ) tp kuliah kat IPK Kampus Kota, Jln Tun Ismail dekat ngan Bank Negara tu. Hari2 travel, Iqah.. nasib baik la x jauh.. Kalau akak x silap, Fathin & Fahmi ada kat UM gak kan tp x tau diorg dok kolej mana plak. apa2 pun nnt kita roger2 & set time utk jumpa k? Thanks & all d best to u too! ;)
huhu... slamat tak jauh...
a'ah.... fathin ngan mamee ada kat UM...
free2 nanti kite jumpe k.
hi...bersemangat nampak akak tengok apa-apa pun biarlah kita jadi student paling cemerlang sesi 2010/2011....insyallah.. dari kak Ros ..tak caya ke?
Iqah - insyaAllah ada masa nnt kita jumpa. skg ni every wkend k izan balik jb. apa2 hal kita set kmdn ok? salam utk mama & abah iqah eh?
Hi K Ros shomel...
Sy tgh sedaya upaya membina kekuatan & semangat utk buat sehabis baik. Sama2 la kita berusaha + doa + tawakal utk jadi best students IPK sesi ni, ok? Tiada yg mustahil.. Yakin boleh!!!!
* Selamat berjuang wahai klasmet tetap & berpencen ku... hehe :)
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