Saturday, July 20, 2024

Don't Get Me Wrong, Mate!

Stepping into different career path is one of the hugest challenges I opted upon deciding to change my own direction and mind set about life. Although I try my very best to live life at the fullest, I have to embrace whatever happens in between the journey of success courageously. There is absolutely no turning back for me..

One of the biggest challenging experience is when I need to deal with my own feelings. As a human, I have to accept the fate of being tested in every perspective. Confronting sceptical ideas of those who have negative connotation especially those who look down on single people's capability of leading an organisation is such an unfair judgement. To be frank, as I am in the same boat, I could really feel the heat of being sinically judged and being soaked (or drained 😱) in the hot tub! 

On the other hand, at some point it is really embarrassing when people acknowledge me as if I had done wrong in their life! Struggling to breath fresh air is already suffocating and hectic for those in my shoes. So please stop acting kiasu since it is always perspiring and anticipating. Not mentioning those who concluded that I may possess special feelings, motives or emotionally related in the midst of professional business.. sorry I'm not into it. You may find me as mellow and sometimes melancholic persona as portrayed in my clumsy attitude but believe me, I am a steel- though person inside. Aiseyman.. tolong la jangan perasan, saya tak minat! 🤣 Heal my soul!!

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