Friday, July 19, 2024

My Happy Pills

It has been a while eversince the last time I talked about happiness in my life, in English I would say! Soaked by different feelings in the journey of being a principal or the head of the school, brings joy and tears. For me, being a leader is quite challenging as life is not always on a bed of roses. Hinders and obstacles are always there to drag away my precious time and ended up loosing my mind. As far as I could, I tried to hold back to ensure that everything goes well as planned.

I am always blessed to be surrounded by great people who had never left me during thick and thin. The team I am working with now has shown the best effort in making the school objectives are well-digesst by not only Medinians but the stakeholders as well. I could proudly say that in term of making all the goals are not barely left as inspiration and aspiration, the whole systemic administrators keen to play their part to make it a huge success. Imagine.. how proud myself as the captain of the ship feel? It was such an honour to be blessed in such way!

For that, not only I stand tall and raise my head high as others, I thank the Almighty for His best gift and blessings all these while. I love all my mates dearly and hope for the very best for their future endeavours ❤️🌹🥰

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